Vienna 2016
X conferenza europea dei registrar di opere d’arte

8-10 giugno 2016
Hofburg Vienna
Nell’estate del 2014, pieni di entusiasmo, noi – il Comitato dei Registrar austriaci (ARC) – abbiamo iniziato l’organizzazione della conferenza a Vienna. Nel 2016 la Conferenza europea dei Registrar si terrà per la decima volta. Per voi, i nostri ospiti, e per l’evento, avevamo bisogno di creare un ambiente adatto e appropriato nella “nostra” città.
Certo, la visione di riunire 700 colleghi a Vienna ci ha spronato, ma una cosa è stata per noi di estrema importanza fin dall’inizio: mantenere le cose leggere e vivaci e il nostro senso dell’umorismo. Ciò significava pensare fuori dagli schemi e percorrere strade inesplorate – in senso letterale e figurato – con l’organizzazione della conferenza.
Durante la stesura del programma, siamo stati particolarmente diligenti nel ricercare gli ultimi sviluppi nel nostro settore, alimentando lo scambio di esperienze e conoscenze attraverso panel, workshop e un’app per la conferenza, oltre che sotto forma di un sondaggio interattivo […].
Il dominio nobile ed elevato dell’arte – che incarna lo spirito della nostra conferenza – viene portato all’altezza degli occhi e osservato di petto.
Confidiamo che i temi principali del programma – Art and Law, Materials and Standards, I am… and Digital Museum – a ciascuno dei quali è dedicata una mezza giornata, offrano ispirazione, know-how e una piattaforma di discussione a tutti i partecipanti. Inoltre, la conferenza ci spingerà a “contemplare il nostro ombelico” ponendoci la domanda “Chi siamo?”.
dal programma ufficiale della conferenza
Opening introduction
Christiane Rainer Chair of ARC and ERC2016 Steering Committee, Austria
Keynote Speech
Cultural heritage, the refugee crisis and building sustaina ble, peacefu l communities
Jasper Visser, Senior partner at VISSCH+STAM Strategic Services, Museum of the Future, Netherlands
Main topic: art and the law
International loan agreements: a comparison
Sandra Sykora, Lawyer, Art Historian, Switzerland
Immunity from seizure and due diligence: what registrars need to know
Freda Matassa, Director, Matassa Toffolo Ltd., Art Collections Management, UK
Loan agreements: necessary evil or frivolous legal games
Ernst Ploil, Attorney-at-law, Austria, ploil / krepp / boesch Rechtsanwälte GmbH
A registrar’s survival guide to the copyright jungle
Florian Schmidt-Gabain, Attorney, Switzerland
Main Topic: materialities and standards
Alteration or damage? developing an instrumental method for the precise monitoring of transportation damages
Christoph Krekel, Professor for Archaeometry, State Academy of Art and Design in Stuttgart, Germany
There is no best rental crate
Martijn de Ruijter, Conservator and Collections Manager, Royal Tropical Institute, Netherlands
Insect pests out of the box
Pascal Querner, Researcher, Univ. of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Austria
Inside the box. How to be museum standard, green and cheap?
Julian Fors, Storage Manager, National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design Oslo, Norway
Out of the dark into the light – considerations on light source and light levels
Stefan Röhrs, Deputy Director, Rathgen-Foschungslabor, Germany
Main topic: I am…
Backstage – What viewers shouldn’t find out
Julia Voss, Art Department Head, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany
Registrars: training for the future and gender perspectives
Abigail Harrison Moore, Head of the School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies at the University of Leeds, UK
Jen Kaines, Registrar and Collections Manager, Leeds Museums and Galleries, UK
Laura Walsh, Registrar and Display Technicians Manager, Royal Armouries, UK
Main topic: digital museum
Use and re-use of data. How registrars impact the future of museum
Harald Krämer, Associate Professor, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong
The transformation of the condition report: from color-coded pens to digital media
Jennifer Hefner, Head Registrar of the American Federation of Arts, Co-Founder of Articheck, USA
Professional digital asset manage ment systems
Dirk Lock, CEO, SOLVATEC Deutschländer and Lock GbR, Germany
Plenary Session
Presentation of our interactive registrars survey (collected during the conference)
ARC Austrian Registrars Committee
The european registrars initiative
Wendela Brouwer, Head Registrar’s Office at Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Netherlands
Veerle de Meester, Exhibition Manager, Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp, Belgium
Exhibition and collection specialists in Asia
Veronica Castillo, Head of Collection and Exhibition Services, M+, Hong Kong
Presentation by ARCS
Tamara Johnston, Treasurer and Founding Board Memeber of ARCS (Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists), USA
Integrated pest management (IPM)
Pascal Querner Researcher, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Department of Integrated Biology and Biodiversity, Research Institute of Zoology, Austria
Application programming interfaces (API) – concepts and basic functionalities
Dirk Lock, CEO, SOLVATEC Deutschländer and Lock GbR, Germany
Display cases: are they truly impermeable?
Johannes Strecha/Markus Wiechert, Artex Museum Services, Austria
Cybercrime in the art world
Richard Nicholson, Executive Director & Head of Fine Art – UK & Europe, Willis Towers Watson
Beltracchi – the art of forgery
Filmscreening Documentary, Germany 2014 (93 minutes), German Film Academy Award “Lola“ for “Best Documentary“, 2014
Cultural heritage, communities and migration
Jasper Visser, Senior partner at VISSCH+STAM Strategic Services, Museum of the Future, Netherland
Do you actually get, what you need? design your own insurance contract