Why join

Because we cultivate the profession together.
Alongside defining and promoting the professional figure of the registrar, the association is engaged in the development of all those activities that can contribute to enriching its members’ experiences and skills sets, at the same time facilitating exchanges and relations with colleagues working in other countries and with other professionals active in related fields.
The members of Registrarte participate in the European Conference of Registrars, held every two years by rotation in one of the member states (among those with a national association of registrars). In Rome, on 11 and 12 November 2002, Registrarte hosted the Third European Conference of Registrars. Over the years, the Association has organized a number of study sessions focusing on specific issues involved in the circulation of artworks and the production of exhibitions and aims to stage at least two per year and to dialogue with institutions and competent authorities on questions relevant to the circulation of artworks.
Joining the association allows you to keep up with the initiatives promoted by Registrarte, to enhance the prestige of the profession, to become acquainted with colleagues from around the country and abroad, and, finally, to be part of a cooperative network geared to improving the professional qualities of each individual.
Each member of the association can access the reserved area, consult exclusive content and actively participate in the community through the forum and all other available tools.